Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Representation can be defined as the characterization of certain groups in certain ways. When certain groups of people are represented in problematic ways, society's beliefs can be swayed to look at people in different ways. 

Axe "spray more get more" ad:
In Axe's "spray more get more" campaign, the act of representation, or rather, misrepresentation is very apparent. For example, in this commercial, women are portrayed as savage beings, running through fields, swimming through oceans, and climbing mountains in order to reach a man who was spraying Axe body spray. This is a problematic representation of women as it portrays them as non-human, almost savage creatures that only care about the synthetic spell coming out of a can. 

Tide "style is an option" ad: 
This ad depicts a mother who is visibly distressed about her daughter's style choices. She suggests rather underhandedly that her daughter should not be wearing green clothing, and that instead, she should be wearing more normal girl clothes. There are other, less apparent cues that suggest the conformation to gender-specific colors as well, for example, the woman is wearing pink and white, and on top of wearing "boy" clothes, she is playing with blocks. This subliminally suggests that blocks are a "boy's toy" and shouldn't be played with by girls.  

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Week 9 Post 3 (Video Link)